At Parra Consulting Group, Inc., we manage our portfolio of opportunities based on our unique capabilities and focused commitment to people, process, & technology.
Bridging Program Strategy and Mission Success is our mission.
Administrative & Human Resources Support Services
Our team plays a vital role in our Nation's security in supporting our customers' missions. Our experts provide direct administrative support to Department of Defense and Intelligence Community key stakeholders, develop policy, and administer programs such as onboarding agency candidates, Permanent Change of Station orders, and Defense Travel System requests. We provide quick surge support when needed the most.
Cyberspace Operations Support Services
Our engineers support the research of overseas contingency operations technologies and the implementation of a standardized software framework and specifications to support warfighters and the intelligence community with state-of-the-art tools and techniques for offensive and defensive cyber operations in tactical environments.
Emerging Technologies Support Services
Our team's innovative electronic warfare systems experts provide advanced technology support in highly complex electro-magnetic environments to defeat adversarial surveillance and reconnaissance, cellular, Wi-Fi, command and control, and unmanned aircraft systems.
Engineering & Intelligence Support Services
Our experts work with customers and industry partners on pressing national security priorities. Together, we work on solutions to enable our ground forces to exploit modern adversary signals and defeat their systems. A sampling of our efforts includes Electronic Warfare & Counter-IED Support, Intelligence Analysis, Exploitation & Dissemination Support, and Intelligence Surveillance & Targeting support.
Mission & Technology Support Services
From training programs to Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Preparedness Assessment Logistics, technical services to intelligence operations, we bring our customers the best execution success and the power of agile strategy and innovation.
Technical Advisory Support Services
Our technical advisors have over 25 years of extensive knowledge of counter-narcotics and counter illicit trafficking experience and support several federal CONUS & OCONUS programs. Our research and analysis of information from Classified and open-source information is integral to the success and used to brief critical stakeholders on DoD's CN> programs.